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Keeping calves at a social distance

Posted on 15 April, 2020

As a ‘hands on’ calf rearer and adviser I have come across numerous situations where overstocking calves has caused problems. The usual advice is to ‘de stock’ and health and performance improves significantly.

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"Buyers guide: 6 options for calf housing compared"

Posted on 13 April, 2018

“Investing in calf housing that meets the animals’ needs and dovetails with the farm system can improve productivity and save thousands of pounds in reduced costs and poor performance. Calves are often housed in less-than-adequate conditions with draughts, cold temperature stress and poor air quality. Where this is the case the calf will struggle – the cold and draughts can suppress its immune system, while warm, moist conditions in a shared airspace increase the infection risk”

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“We have cut out pneumonia”

Mark Northcott
Nr Bude